I oversee these UBC Job Corps programs:

Loring, Penobscot, Shriver, Grafton, Westover and New Haven

I've been with the UBC Job Corps since:


Previously, I was a UBC Job Corps Instructor at:


Before I started teaching at the UBC Job Corps, my work in the field included:

Residential frame-to-finish

The best/most interestingthing about my job is:

Travelling to many areas of the country and working with a variety of students and fellow carpenters. I love my job and enjoy helping young peoiple realize a future.

My favorite things to do when not working include:

Hanging out with my family.

A little more to know about me or a favorite quote I'd like my prospective students to know:

Do not say the word "can't" in front of me!

UBC Job Corps Field Coordinator Luke LaChance