Staff / Field Coordinator
Lawrence “Windy” Wills
I oversee these UBC Job Corps programs:
Charleston, Flatwoods, Frenchburg, Jacobs Creek, Old Dominion and Schenck
I've been with the UBC Job Corps since:
Previously, I was a UBC Job Corps Instructor at:
Before I started teaching at the UBC Job Corps, my work in the field included:
Scaffold and residential
The best/most interestingthing about my job is:
The ability to help so many young people get started in a career making a living wage.
My favorite things to do when not working include:
Spending time with my granddaughter.
A little more to know about me or a favorite quote I'd like my prospective students to know:
“Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.” – Zig Ziglar